
Automatic alarm for an workshop

In the drilling operation of oil field or gas field, because of the remote geographical location, bad climate environment
In the drilling operation of oil field or gas field, because of the remote geographical location, bad climate environment, poor construction conditions and frequent moving wells, it is very difficult to lay the cable on the drilling, and the cost is high. Therefore, wireless communication instead of cable transmission signal arises at the historic moment. The latest wireless communication developed by de Kang is produced in this environment. Lithute electronics provides the latest high-tech gas detection wireless communication system in Germany as the only general agent in the United States. The modular structure designed for oil well oil wells can be used for low power gas detector, solar power supply, high energy storage battery, controller of various channels and acoustooptic alarm. All of these products are all wireless communication, and all are explosion-proof products, which are most suitable for drilling and oil field applications.

工作時間:周一至周五 9:00-18:00

Contact:Miss Li



Address:Room 6, 8th Building, XueYuan Road HaiDian District Beijing China

Your Company Name Copyright ICP 123456789  Technical Support:YouDian Software
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